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[industry] "automobile to the countryside" policy restart new energy vehicles usher in a new "wind tunnel"


Recently, ten ministries and commissions including the national development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of industry and information technology, and the Ministry of Finance jointly issued the implementation plan for further optimizing supply and promoting stable consumption growth and forming a strong domestic market (2019) (hereinafter referred to as the plan). In the plan, many measures were taken simultaneously, the promotion of automobile consumption was put in the first place, and the promotion of rural automobile upgrading was highlighted, which was immediately regarded as a new round of "automobile to the countryside" policy in the industry.

In fact, before the dust of this policy was settled, Ning Jizhe, deputy director of the national development and Reform Commission, said, "we should support the reasonable consumption, green consumption and upgraded consumption of residents. Cars have entered the countryside from the city, and now we are considering making policies to encourage farmers to consume. ".


Industry insiders pointed out that the restart of "automobile going to the countryside" also encouraged automobile enterprises to take a differentiated route and develop high-tech new energy vehicles, "green consumption" may be one of the key directions.


In 2018, the development trend of new energy passenger vehicles in China was good, and consumer acceptance was significantly improved. According to statistics, in 2018, China s production and sales of new energy vehicles were 1.27 million and 1.256 million respectively, of which all pure electric passenger vehicles met the standards for going to the countryside.


With the upgrading of rural consumption strength and concept, the prospect of electric vehicles in rural market is promising. At the same time, new energy vehicles may be able to effectively replace the low-speed electric vehicle market and become a new choice for rural transportation. According to this, some experts suggest that automobile enterprises can consider promoting the "going to the countryside" of new energy vehicles at the same time under the coordination of policies.


But there are still many challenges for new energy vehicles to go to the countryside. At present, compared with fuel vehicles, new energy vehicles do not have an advantage in comprehensive performance and price. Although the sales volume of new energy vehicles has increased significantly under the influence of high subsidy, urban traffic restriction policy, logistics vehicle right of way, government purchase and other factors, the growth space is still limited only by the demand of rural market itself. ".


"The main advantages of new energy vehicles are low electricity consumption and low cost. From this point of view, if there is a potential growth market for new energy vehicles in rural areas, they will still be reflected in those models with high frequency of use, such as public operating vehicles: taxis, logistics vehicles in special areas, etc., so the price difference advantage of oil can be shown, so it may be a new energy The breakthrough of automobile to the countryside. The maturity of technology, the increase of industrial scale and the reduction of cost may bring the opportunity for new energy vehicles to go to the countryside, "Ji said. (source: China new energy network)

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